improve website loading speed on mobile

How to Improve Website Loading Speed in Mobile

It is important to optimize website speed in mobile to improve customer experience and search engine ranking. Here are some website speed optimization tips to help you reduce page loading time in mobile.

How to Reduce Loading Time in Mobile

Here are some important tips to improve website loading speed in mobile.

1. Upgrade your software

One of the easiest ways to reduce website loading speed in mobile is to simply upgrade every software that supports your website.

It means upgrading the operating system, web server, database server and any other software used by your website. Every software update not only improves speed but also reduces memory footprint, thereby reducing page load time and saving server costs. It also includes critical security updates.

Ubuntu 18 is mush faster than Ubuntu 16, Apache 2.4 is faster than Apache 2.2, MySQL 8.0 is twice as fast as some of the older versions!

So create a backup of your website & database, and upgrade the different software in your tech stack to speed up your mobile website.

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2. Minimize HTML resources

Large files take a lot of time to load and slow down your website. One of the most popular ways to improve website speed on mobile is to simply minify HTML resources such as CSS, JS and HTML files.

There are many minifiers like Refresh-SF that automatically clean up your code and minimize it, thereby reducing their load time. Once you have minified your HTML resources, update your web pages to refer to their minified versions.

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3. Optimize images

Big images consume a lot of data bandwidth due to their large size and drastically slow down every website. Here are some tips to speed up images on your websites:

  • Avoid high resolution images. Crop images to 1200x1200px which is more than enough for laptops, mobile devices and workstations.
  • Use JPG and PNG images instead of bitmaps and .gif files, which are large.
  • Use lazy loading JS plugins such as Jquery Lazy that load images only when user scrolls over them.

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4. Enable GZIP compression

Web servers have the ability to compress website content before sending it to client browsers. Browsers have the ability to automatically uncompress this content before rendering it on user’s screen.

This can reduce file size by up to 90% and speed up website greatly. You just need to enable GZIP compression on your web servers to avail this feature.

Here’s how to enable GZIP compression in Apache web server.

5. Reduce Number of Requests

Too many HTTP server requests can badly slow down your website. When a web page loads, browser makes a separate request to load each file (CSS, JS, HTML, images, etc) on your web page.

Here are a couple of tips to reduce number of requests:

  • Combine multiple CSS/JS files into single file.
  • Use CSS sprites instead of images
  • Enable KeepAlive header in your web server. This way browser will use a single connection to make multiple requests, instead of making separate connections for each request.
  • Put JS scripts at the bottom of your page so that the page is loaded before any of the scripts are loaded. Otherwise the page elements will render only after the scripts are loaded and run.

Hopefully, the above tips will help you improve website loading speed in mobile.


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