redirect url to another url

How to Redirect URL to Another URL

Last updated on August 10th, 2020 at 03:05 am

When you move a web page to a new location, you need to redirect its old URL to new one. Here’s how to redirect URL to another URL in Apache using .htaccess. You can use it to redirect one URL to another or redirect one page to another.


How to Redirect URL to Another URL

Here are the steps to redirect URL to another URL. There are 2 ways to redirect old page to another page in Apache – using server configuration file and using .htaccess file (mod_rewrite). We will look at both these approaches.


Using Apache Server Configuration

In this case, we redirect one URL to another by modifying Apache server configuration file.


1. Open Apache Server Configuration File

Apache server configuration is located at one of the following locations, depending on your installation setup and Linux version.

  • /etc/apache2/httpd. conf
  • /etc/apache2/apache2. conf
  • /etc/httpd/httpd. conf
  • /etc/httpd/conf/httpd. conf

Open Terminal and run the following command to open Apache Server configuration file.

$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd. conf

Bonus Read : How to Redirect All Pages to New Domain in Apache


2. Redirect URL to Another URL in Apache

Let’s say you want to redirect single URL in Apache, that is, redirect /product.html to /new-product.html. Add the following Redirect directive to the VirtualHost tags to your server configuration file.

<VirtualHost *:80>
Redirect 301 /product.html /new-product.html

In the above code, we use Redirect directive to redirect old URL to new one. Here’s the syntax of Redirect

Redirect [status] source-url destination-url
  • status – This is optional. Use 301 for permanent redirect, 302 for temporary redirect.
  • source-url – relative URL path you want to redirect
  • destination-url – relative or absolute URL path where you want the source URL to be redirected to.

Bonus Read : How to Redirect Site to Another Domain in Apache


3. Restart Apache Server

Restart Apache Server to apply changes.


$ sudo service apache2 start


$ service httpd restart

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Using .htaccess/mod_rewrite

If you don’t have access to Apache server configuration, or don’t want to change Apache server configuration, then you can redirect one URL to another in .htaccess.

Before you proceed, please ensure you have enabled mod_rewrite in your Apache server. Here are the steps to do it and setup .htaccess file for your website.


1. Open .htaccess file

Open .htaccess file for your website (e.g in a text editor

$ sudo vi /var/www/

Bonus Read : How to Redirect Domain Without Changing URL


2. Redirect One Page to Another in Apache

Add the following lines to redirect your old page to another page

RewriteEngine on
Redirect 301 /product.html /new-product.html


3. Restart Apache Server

Restart Apache Server to apply changes.


$ sudo service apache2 start


$ service httpd restart

That’s it! Now Apache will automatically redirect URL to another URL, that is, /product.html to /new-product.html.

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