Sometimes you may need to restrict access to URL, file or directory. Here is how to deny access to URL, Files & Directory in Apache.
NGINX Restrict Access to Directory and Subdirectories
Learn how to limit access to directory and subdirectory in NGINX using deny and allow access control directives.
How to Restrict URL Access in NGINX
How To Enable Server Side Includes (SSI) in Apache
You can configure server side includes to add dynamic web content. Here is how to enable server side includes in Apache.
How To Configure NGINX Log Rotation
NGINX log rotation allows you to rotate logs without piling up. Here is how to configure NGINX log rotation.
How To Disable ETags in Apache Server
Here are the steps to disable ETags in Apache web server and improve website security. Prevent Etags from causing security issue by disabling it.
How To Fix 414 Request URI Too Large in Apache
If you request long URLs, Apache may give 414 request URI too large error. Here is how to fix 414 request URI too large in Apache.
How to fix NGINX : worker connections are not enough
Apache Restrict Access by IP
Sometimes you may need to restrict access to URL by IP. Here is how to restrict access to URL by IP.
How To Enable Multi Factor Authentication for AWS
Multi factor authentication improves AWS security. Here is how to enable multi factor authentication in AWS.