fix 502 bad gateway error in apache

How to Fix 502 Bad Gateway Error in Apache

Last updated on August 10th, 2020 at 03:05 am

You get 502 Bad Gateway Error in Apache when it acts as a proxy server and has received a bad response from one of the back end servers. Here’s how to fix 502 Bad Gateway error in Apache web server.


What is a 502 Bad Gateway Error in Apache

You get a 502 bad gateway error when your web server is acting as a reverse proxy and did not receive a valid response from the original back end server. So your web server returns a 502 response code to the client browser. There are many reasons why web servers return 502 Bad Gateway response. Sometimes, it may just a temporary network issue that gets resolved on its own.

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What Causes 502 Bad Gateway Error

Here are the different reasons why you get 502 Bad Gateway Error:

1. Server is down

The most commons reason why you get 502 Bad Gateway error is because the server has gone down. This can be due to faulty code, plugins, or even because the server is overloaded.

2. Server restarting frequently

If your server is not properly configured, it might restart frequently and in the process return 502 Bad Gateway error.

3. Network Issues

Network issues such as DNS issues, ISP related problems, routing issues, firewall blocking server, can also cause 502 Bad Gateway error.

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How to Fix 502 Bad Gateway Error in Apache

Here are the different ways to fix 502 Bad Gateway error:

If you are a website administrator or developer then here are the tips to solve 502 Bad Gateway error

  1. Make sure your Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) resolves correctly using DNS test tools.
  2. Check if your server is still up and running using ping tools
  3. Check server load to ensure that your web server is not overloaded
  4. Check Firewall logs to make sure that there are no sudden spikes in blockages
  5. Make sure to update different plugins ad modules used by your web server
  6. Use Network monitoring tools to find network issues
  7. Identify and optimize slow running database queries

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If you are a website visitor then here are the tips to solve 502 Bad Gateway error

  1. Clear Browser cache and try again
  2. Check if website is still up and running for others using ping tools
  3. Try disabling browser plugins & extensions, and then access the website
  4. Check if your ISP is blocking the website


Hopefully, the above tips will help you fix 502 Bad Gateway Error in Apache web server.

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