Last updated on September 11th, 2020 at 11:36 am
Calculating difference between two dates in MySQL is really easy. Here’s how you can do it. Let’s say dt1 and dt2 are 2 columns in table table_name. Just replace db1, db2 and table_name in the queries below with your values.
A simple use case is a table called user with 2 fields called signup_date and last_login_date. You can calculate difference between two dates to find how recently users have logged in after signup.
Difference between two dates present as columns in a table
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP( dt2 ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( dt1 ) from table_name;
Difference between two dates stored as variables
SET @dt1='2013-11-09 00:00:00'; SET @dt2='2012-10-07 00:00:00'; SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP( @dt2 ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( @dt1 );
Difference between two dates in minutes
If you want to find out the difference in terms on minutes, just divide the above result by 60
SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP( dt2 ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( dt1 ))/60 from table_name;
Difference between two dates in hours
If you want to find out the difference in terms on minutes, just divide the above result by 3600
SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP( dt2 ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( dt1 ))/3600 from table_name;
Difference between two dates in days
If you want to find out the difference in terms on minutes, just divide the above result by 3600*24
SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP( dt2 ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( dt1 ))/(3600*24) from table_name;

Sreeram Sreenivasan is the Founder of Ubiq. He has helped many Fortune 500 companies in the areas of BI & software development.