Last updated on September 14th, 2020 at 05:11 am
Sometimes you need to create a read-only MySQL user credentials for a new team mate to prevent accidental queries being fired into your database. Here’s how you can create a read-only MySQL user.
1. Log into MySQL as an admin
Run the MySQL command-line program by doing one of the following:
a. At a UNIX prompt, run the MySQL command-line program, and log in as an administrator by typing the following command
mysql -u root -p
b. At a Windows command prompt, run the MySQL command-line program, and log in as an administrator by typing the following command from the MySQL root folder (e.g Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin):
mysql -u root -p
c. Run any database shell that works with MySQL. E.g, Heidisql and MySQL Workbench.
Type the password for root account.
2. Create a new MySQL user
Copy the following command and paste them into a MySQL shell. Replace $database_name, $user, and $password below with the values you will be using.
CREATE USER ‘$user‘@’’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘$password‘;
3. Grant read-only permission to the MySQL user
Copy the following command and paste them into a MySQL shell.
GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON $database_name.* TO $user@’′ IDENTIFIED BY ‘$password‘;
If you want to use SSL connection, you can use the following instead
GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON $database_name.* TO $user@’′ IDENTIFIED BY ‘$password‘ REQUIRE SSL;
This creates a new read-only MySQL local user that can access your databases. If you want to create a remote user to access your database you can replace with Remote IP. Also, you will need to enable remote access to your database. Please note, it is not a secure practice.
You can read more about how to create MySQL user here

Sreeram Sreenivasan is the Founder of Ubiq. He has helped many Fortune 500 companies in the areas of BI & software development.