KPIs to Track on Content Marketing Dashboard

Content is the KING and is one of the leading marketing strategies. But it is challenging to know what exactly works for your business and how it will raise the ROI. This is why tracking content performance is necessary. 

What is content tracking?

Content tracking is an uncomplicated and relevant metric where you or your marketing can effortlessly track whether the campaigns accomplish your brand’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or not. It aids in identifying what content resonates with your users. 

Do you face issues while measuring your marketing campaign performance?

Worry not, many marketers and entrepreneurs undergo the same issue. After all, tracking content marketing dashboard KPIs can be tricky.

Top 5 Content Strategy KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to add to your dashboard:

Conversion rate 

We perform content marketing activities to generate business. But have we ever wondered, how does it work for your business? A perfect content marketing strategy must include a call to action which would intrigue the audience. You need to understand what works for your business. The content metrics dashboard can measure this call to action conversion rate. 


If you’re creating content to generate leads or grab consumer attention, you should first measure from which resource new leads are coming in. A content marketing dashboard analysis will help you make crucial changes to your strategy. If you want to know how to make a marketing dashboard, search for the best digital marketing dashboard templates on google or Ubiq.

Time Spent On Page

This KPI lets you know how long people typically spend reading your content within seconds. If you’re creating a new content strategy ROI dashboard for your blog, your goal is to boost the average time on the page, right. As said, “the longer a person spends on your page, the more they’re engaging with your content.” So, if the users spend much time on your page, you have successfully gained their attention, and your content marketing strategy is working accurately.

Sales As business owners or marketers, we want all to convert leads into sales with whatever activities we attempt. You can tag the users showing interest in your content by sending them direct purchase links and see if they instantly buy it. To measure how this strategy is performing for you, use product metrics dashboard templates, or create an account on Ubiq. Our Sales Dashboard software can help you track your new, returning, and lost customers. It can also track important KPIs and report the essential data much more efficiently.

sales dashboard


Before posting, you should first ask yourself, is your content influencing? Once you start this activity, track your shares and comments received on social media posts or likes. Remember, monitoring is an excellent long-term indicator to understand what is working for your current marketing campaign. 

Return Customers

When it comes to measuring the influence of content on returning customers, it becomes very challenging. But now, you can use Google Analytics to assess tracking codes from the “thank you” page or log-in screen. This will help you identify what content the group likes to interact with and what they avoid. Finding solutions for this will aid your future content strategy!

We hope the above content marketing KPIs can help you measure content marketing performance, increase brand awareness and get more visitors.

Ubiq makes it effortless to monitor data with real-time dashboards in minutes. 

Try it Today!


Sreeram Sreenivasan is the Founder of Ubiq. He has helped many Fortune 500 companies in the areas of BI & software development.