How to increase BI Adoption in your Organization

How to Increase BI Adoption in Your Organization

Investing in a modern business intelligence system is the best way to improve process visibility and make more informed business decisions. The acceptance of a new system or procedure in technology is referred to as user adoption. For firms looking to transition from an old system like excel sheets to a new, more comprehensive, and efficient system such as business intelligence, gaining staff acceptance is critical. A user adoption strategy is critical to the new system’s success because it informs users about how the software will benefit them and how they may contribute.

Create a complete understanding

Create a compelling use case that highlights the advantages of your BI solution. Demonstrate how the tool aids various business divisions in achieving their objectives more quickly. Adoption rates for BI will begin to improve as everyone knows the tool’s purpose. This activity will also assist you in selecting relevant BI features because you will be able to discover needs. You will also be able to prioritize directly from your team members all of whom have meaningful feedback to contribute during the implementation process. People in your organization must be willing to evolve in order to appreciate the true worth of your investment. Consumer adoption process is an important indicator that shows how well your BI solution is working. 

Select a BI platform that works the best for you

BI Platform for your organization

When choosing a BI system, take your time and do a complete evaluation. While everyone in your company may be interested in using a reporting tool, data requirements will vary by business unit. A versatile enterprise business intelligence platform is ideal. It integrates easily digestible data with the tools that team members already use. This is made possible by BI solutions that include embedded analytics. Instead of requiring employees to use another solution to get insights, you can incorporate dashboards directly into embedded analytics, making all insights centralized and accessible.

Monitor progress

BI Software for Organizations measuring user adoption metrics

Individuals with licensed access to BI software are 3 times more likely to be measured by BI Top Performers than Everyone Else. You can’t know how your system’s user adoption metrics are going unless you measure it.

Make sure you’re doing everything you can to figure out if employees are using the system at the rate you expected. Here are some user adoption of Business Intelligence KPI metrics to keep an eye on: the total number of active users, number of people who receive reports, total number of reports produced. You should include any of these KPI metrics in addition to utilization data when calculating the return on your investment: financial metrics like revenue, margins, & employee productivity, operating margins, and total cost of ownership.

Seek support when necessary

When it comes to introducing BI technologies in a company and increasing user engagement, having the support of upper management is crucial. The quantity of spreadsheets, stored data, and other temporary solutions used, as well as the amount of time spent by the staff to manually complete some operations that might easily be automated using Business Intelligence, can all be used to calculate these expenses.

Consider data quality

BI Tools interpreting quality data to users

When installing a BI system, companies sometimes overlook data quality. Only high-quality data allows business intelligence tools to offer meaningful results. If users discover that the tool produces incorrect results, they will rapidly quit your product. As a workaround, they will seek alternative sources of information.

Bonus Read: Top 5 Benefits of Business Intelligence


Sreeram Sreenivasan is the Founder of Ubiq. He has helped many Fortune 500 companies in the areas of BI & software development.