7 Ways to Increase Average Order Size for Ecommerce

Average Order Size is such an important Ecommerce metric. More the Average Order Size more valuable the customer. Increasing Average Order Size has an immediate impact on your revenue. Here are 7 Inexpensive ways to increase Average Order Size for your Ecommerce business.

  • Populate upsells, cross-sells, and accessories for all products. You can increase average order size only if you sell something in addition to what a buyer buys on your site. When a customer buys or views a product ensure all related accessories, upsells & cross sells are visible to him/her on that product page. It helps if your cart supports rules or category-based merchandising.
  • Product Ratings and reviews. Good ratings and reviews tempt and even change the opinion of buyers about products. They end up buying well reviewed products even if they did not intend to. This increases your average order size.
  • Add live chat. Live chat is an amazing opportunity for your agents to increase order size by up selling or cross selling. You can add them on product detail pages.
  • Incentives for larger orders. Consider free shipping or a discount for above average order size .
  • Giveaways. Try giveaways along with products. They can be inexpensive, consumable product that complements a best seller.
  • Try subscriptions. This is more than increasing the average order size. It’s a long term revenue stream. Subscriptions are becoming popular with online retailers.
  • Product groups rather than individual products. Try grouping related, complementary products together. Promote them on the product detail pages for easy purchase. Naturally, this will increase average order size.

There are many other ways to improve your average order size. Good solid merchandising is always helpful.

Devise a plan to improve your average order size. Start with 10 percent, then push it another 10 percent. Go step by step. Measure improvement & iterate.


Sreeram Sreenivasan is the Founder of Ubiq. He has helped many Fortune 500 companies in the areas of BI & software development.