Sometimes you may need to redirect HTTP to HTTPS or enforce HTTPS on your website. Here is how to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in NGINX.
How To Configure Basic Authentication in NGINX
NGINX basic authentication allows you to protect servers, websites, virtual hosts and web pages. Here is how to configure basic authentication in NGINX.
How To Install Let’s Encrypt on NGINX
Let’s Encrypt is a free and popular SSL certificate generation tool. Here is how to install let’s encrypt on NGINX web server.
Rewrite vs Redirect NGINX
URL rewrite and redirect both allow you to serve content from different URL. Here is the difference between url rewrite vs redirect in NGINX.
How To Create Custom 404 Page in NGINX
NGINX allows you to configure custom 404 pages for your website. Here is how to create custom 404 page in NGINX.
How to Limit Download Speed in NGINX
How to Enable NGINX Gzip Compression
GZIP Compression reduces server load and improves server usage. Here’s how to enable NGINX Gzip compression for your server.
How to Enable Leverage Browser Caching in NGINX
Browser Caching improves website speed and performance. Here’s how to enable leverage browser caching in NGINX.
Remove Trailing Slash in NGINX
Sometimes NGINX may show trailing slash in website URLs. Here’s how to remove trailing slash from URL in NGINX.
How To Install & Configure Modsecurity in Nginx
Modsecurity protects websites from malicious attacks and security threats. Here’s how to install and configure modsecurity in NGINX.