Sometimes you may need to determine the index of a list item in Python. Here are the different ways to find index of given item in Python list.
Author: Sreeram Sreenivasan
How to Get Selected Text from Dropdown List in jQuery
Often we need to get selected value from dropdown. Here is how to get selected text from dropdown list in jQuery.
How to Store Objects in HTML5 Local Storage/Session Storage
Often websites need to store web page data. Here is how to store objects in HTML5 Local and Session Storage.
How to Remove Duplicate Values from JS Array
Often web developers need to remove duplicates from JavaScript arrays. Here are the different ways to get unique items from JS arrays.
How to Flatten List of Lists in Python
Sometimes Python developers need to flatten list of lists in Python. Here are different ways to do it.
How to Access Index Value in for Loop in Python
Often Python developers need to access index value in for loop. Here is how to get loop index in Python.
How to Disable Browser Autocomplete and AutoFill
Web developers may need to disable browser autocomplete and autofill. Here are the steps to do this.
How to Create Directory with Missing Parent Directory
Software developers need to create directory with missing parent directory in Python. Here is how to do this.
Difference Between Let and Var in JavaScript
Sometimes web developers wonder the difference between let and var in JavaScript. Here is a detailed comparison of let vs var.
How to Add Table Row in jQuery
Often web developers need to add one or more rows to HTML tables on their web pages. Here is how to add table row in jQuery.