Here’s how to calculate average sales per day in MySQL if you have sales data for your business in a database.
Calculate decile from recency in MySQL
Calculate decile from recency in MySQL. E.g, to rank customers based on recency of purchases or orders
Calculate decile in MySQL based on totals
You can calculate decile in MySQL to identify best customers. You can come up with more focused, relevant retention initiatives. Here’s a query to do it.
Calculate decile from frequency in MySQL
Calculate decile from frequency or counts in MySQL. E.g, to rank customers based on number of purchases or orders instead of total sales
Calculate percentile from frequency in MySQL
Calculate percentile from frequency or counts in MySQL. E.g, to rank customers based on number of purchases or orders instead of total sales
Calculate percentile from recency in MySQL
Calculate percentile from recency in MySQL. E.g, to rank customers based on recency of purchases or orders