SQL commands are sets of instructions, coded into SQL statements, which are then used to communicate with a database to perform specific tasks, work, functions and queries. Learn more about this in this blog.
What is the difference between MySQL and SQL?
SQL databases are becoming more and more popular. When it comes to
report building and data analysis SQL is the most common database language used
MySQL date format cheat sheet
MySQL Date format is a very handy function. It formats a date as specified in the argument. Here’s a cheat sheet for MySQL date format function.
9 really useful MySQL date functions that are easy to remember
MySQL date functions that help you directly get required part of date. Commonly used MySQL date functions. These MySQL date functions are easy to remember.
How to calculate rank in MySQL
Many a time you need to calculate rank in MySQL. You can order by a number but can’t calculate rank in MySQL easily. Here’s a query you can use.
How to find nth rank in MySQL?
Many a time you need to fin nth rank in MySQL. To find nth rank in MySQL, we will calculate rank in MySQL. Then we filter the nth rank in MySQL.
Calculate decile from recency in MySQL
Calculate decile from recency in MySQL. E.g, to rank customers based on recency of purchases or orders
Calculate decile in MySQL based on totals
You can calculate decile in MySQL to identify best customers. You can come up with more focused, relevant retention initiatives. Here’s a query to do it.
Calculate decile from frequency in MySQL
Calculate decile from frequency or counts in MySQL. E.g, to rank customers based on number of purchases or orders instead of total sales
Calculate percentile in MySQL based on totals
It can be a pain to calculate percentile in MySQL. There are no functions for it yet. Here’s a ready made query to do it.