Top 5 Social Media Marketing KPI Metrics You Should Monitor

Social Media Marketing KPIs and metrics make it easy to measure performance of social media marketing campaign performance. Here are the top 5 Social Media Marketing KPI metrics you should track regularly.


Top 5 Social Media Marketing KPI Metrics You Should Monitor

Here are the top 5 social media marketing KPI metrics you should track regularly.


1. Clicks

Clicks are one of the most important social media marketing KPI metrics that allow you to measure the number of times people have clicked your social media posts.

It indicates how relevant and interesting your social media posts are for your followers. Almost every social media platform allows you to track clicks for your posts.

If your posts don’t receive many clicks, try making your post title more catchy, and use more attractive images.

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2. Engagement

Engagement is one of the most popular social media marketing KPI metrics that can be measured in multiple ways such as number of likes, retweets, favorites, comments and shares.

If your post gets a large number of clicks, but not many shares, it means your post has good title & images, but the content needs to be more share-worthy.

Likes & Shares can help your content go viral and increase your brand awareness. It also signals social media platforms to display your future posts at high positions in search results.

By studying the type of posts that get more clicks, shares & likes, you will be able understand what your audience likes, and generate more similar content.

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3. Impressions

Impressions tell you how many number of times your post appeared on somebody’s social media feed. It can be because they follow you or your post topic, or because they or someone they know shared or liked your post.

Nevertheless, impressions tell you how many people have potentially seen your post. The more impressions your posts get the higher the chances of getting clicks, likes, shares and comments.

The simplest way to increase impressions is to regularly post fresh content on your social media profiles, and use 3-4 relevant hashtags and brand mentions in your post description.

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4. Website Traffic

One of the key objectives of every social media campaign is to drive website traffic. So it is important to track the number of website visitors coming from social media platforms.

Web analytics tools like Google Analytics make it easy to track website traffic from social media websites. Just visit Acquisition -> All Traffic -> Source/Medium.

If your website traffic from social media profiles is low, then consider improving your social media post’s titles & images to drive more clicks. Also, use social media publishing tools to post your content to multiple social media platforms, along with relevant hashtags & brand mentions.

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5. Conversion Rate

The ultimate aim of social media marketing is to get more customers. So measure what percent of website visitors from social media platforms turn into paying customers, also known as conversion rate.

Again, web analytics tools like Google Analytics, Piwik and Hubspot can help you measure conversion rate for web traffic from social media sites.

If your conversion rate is low, try placing opt-in forms on your blog, and add clear call-to-action (CTA) buttons at prominent locations. Also add a chat widget on your website, to interact with your website visitors and understand what they are looking for, on your website.

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Track these Social media marketing KPI metrics in a dashboard and regularly review with your team. Here’s an example of a Social Media Marketing KPI dashboard created using Ubiq.

social media marketing dashboard


Although there are many social media KPIs and metrics, the above ones matter the most.

Hopefully, the above social media marketing KPI metrics will help you measure and improve social media marketing campaign strategy for your business.

Ubiq makes it easy to visualize data in minutes, and monitor in real-time dashboards. Try it Today!


Sreeram Sreenivasan is the Founder of Ubiq. He has helped many Fortune 500 companies in the areas of BI & software development.